Swiss Numerics Colloquium - Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium - Colloque Numérique Suisse, April 16, 2010, Zurich


Registration / Abstract Submission / Guidelines for Posters

Important dates




Historical overview


Swiss Numerics Colloquium
Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium - Colloque Numérique Suisse

Friday, April 16, 2010

ETH Main Building
ETH Zurich, Seminar for Applied Mathematics

Group Photo
For more pictures click Pictures Gallery

Abstracts Talks / Abstracts Posters

Colloquium description

The Swiss Numerics Days are series of annual, informal one-day meetings that continue the tradition of the "Journées Suisses d'Analyse Numérique" which were launched in 1976. They aim at bringing together researchers both from the academic and industrial sectors in Switzerland which are active in the fields of

  • scientific computing
  • numerical analysis
  • high-performance computing
  • visualization
  • numerical simulation in engineering
  • computational chemistry, biology, etc.

The format of the 2010 edition of the Swiss Numerics Days consists in two invited plenary talks, of 20 contributed talks and of a poster presentation. There are no registration fees, but to assist with planning the event, we ask all attendants to register, even if you do not plan on giving a talk or on presenting a poster.

2010 Swiss Numerics Days Invited Plenary Speakers
Past venues

You can browse the web-sites and repositories of the last venues of the Colloquium organized at the University of Basel (2009), University of Fribourg (2008), University of Geneva (2007), EPFL Lausanne (2006) and the University of Zurich (2005).

A nice historical overview of the past Colloquium venues was proposed in 2006 by Prof. Jörg Waldvogel (SAM, ETHZ) and updated by the 2007 colloquium organizers.


SMS We would like to thank the Swiss Mathematical Society for the support.

