08:30-12:00 |
Registration - F Floor (Uhrenhalle) |
08:55-09:00 |
Christoph Schwab, SAM, ETH Zurich: Colloquium Opening |
Plenary talk |
Room G3 |
Thomas Schulthess,
ETH Zurich and CSCS Manno
Sustained petaflop/s computing: an application developer's perspective
Abstract (click to expand)
Peta-scale computers are monstrous (literally speaking) compared to the workstations or clusters most scientists use when developing models,
methods and codes. Yet, several applications that sustain a petaflop/s under production condition on general-purpose supercomputers have
emerged within months of the existence of systems that could sustain a petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark. In this presentation we will
review the developments that lead to the much faster than expected advent of "sustained petaflop/s computing". The experience of integrated
teams that unify domain knowledge, applied mathematics and computer science, as well as the challenge to develop applications to solve
models of complex systems call for a nimble programming environment. We will discuss the use of generic libraries and the concept of just
in time abstraction that enable several of today's sustained petaflop/s applications.
09:50-10:15 |
Coffee Break 1 - HG F (Uhrenhalle) |
Session I |
Room G3 |
Thomas Wihler, University of Bern
Second-Order EllipticPDE with discontinuous boundary conditions
Abstract as pdf
Yves Courvoisier, University of Geneva
Time domain Maxwell equations and Schwarz Waveform Relaxation methods
Abstract as pdf
Matthias Erhardt, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Modeling boundary conditions for solving stationary Schrödinger equations
Abstract as pdf
Teodora Mitkova, Institute of Mathematics, University of Basel
High-Order Explicit Local Time-Stepping for Damped Wave Equations
Abstract as pdf
Guillaume Jouvet, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Analysis and numerical analysis of a nonlinear Stokes problem arising in glaciology
Abstract as pdf
Roman Andreev, SAM, ETH Zurich
Efficient space-time discretization of parabolic equations
Abstract as pdf
Session II |
Room G5 |
Andrea Manzoni, EPFL MATHICSE - CMCS
Model order reduction by reduced basis methods for flow simulation and shape
optimization in haemodynamics
Abstract as pdf
Alexander Shapeev, EPFL
Numerical Methods for Complex Crystalline Materials
Abstract as pdf
Hadi Hajibeygi, Institute of Fluid Dynamics, ETH Zurich
Iterative Multiscale Finite Volume Method for Multiphase Flow in heteregeneous Fractured Porous Media
Abstract as pdf
Thomas Hofer, MATHICSE, EPFL
Simulation of alumina dissolution in aluminium electrolysis
Abstract as pdf
Christian Engström, SAM/IFH ETH Zurich
Nonlinear spectral problems with applications to photonic crystals
Abstract as pdf
Holger Brandsmeier, SAM, ETH Zurich
A Multiscale FEM for 2D Photonic Crystal Bands
Abstract as pdf
Session III |
Room G19.1 |
Diego Rossinelli, ETHZ - Chair of Computational Science
GPU and Multicore accelerated simulations of bluff body flows using vortex particle methods
Abstract as pdf
Babak Hejazialhosseini, ETHZ - Chair of Computational Science
Space-Time Wavelet adapted Grids on Multicore
Abstract as pdf
Jean Favre, CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Center
in-situ Visualization
Abstract as pdf
Roger Käppeli, University of Basel
Numerical tools for the simulation of core-collapse supernovae
Abstract as pdf
John Biddiscombe, CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
A thin HDF5 interface for parallel in-situ visualization within ParaView - (together with J. Soumagne)
Abstract as pdf
Jan Poland, ABB Switzerland Ltd. Corporate Research
Nonlinear Control and Estimation for Industrial Processes
Abstract as pdf
12:15-13:00 |
Lunch - (Sandwiches provided in F Floor)
13:00-14:00 |
Poster Session HG F Floor
Session IV |
Room G3 |
Karen Yeressian, University of Zurich
Spatial Asymptotic Behavior in PDE and its Application in FEM
Abstract as pdf
Stefan Güttel, University of Geneva
Hybrid rational Krylov methods for matrix functions
Abstract as pdf
Sébastien Loisel, University of Geneva
Condition number estimates for the nonoverlapping optimized Schwarz method and the 2-Lagrange multiplier method for general domains and cross points
Abstract as pdf
Tatiana S. Samrowski, University Zurich
A Posteriori Modelling Error Estimates for the Stationary Diffusion Equation with Complicated Diffusion Coefficients
Abstract as pdf
Session V |
Room G5 |
Ricardo Ruiz Baier, EPFL, CMCS-MATHICSE
A conforming stabilized finite volume element method for the Stokes' problem
Abstract as pdf
Alexandre Caboussat, University of Houston, visiting EPFL
Numerical Solution of Non-Smooth Diffusion Problems: Application to Sand Mechanics
Abstract as pdf
Benedikt Zeller, Liechtensteinisches Gymnasium
Conservative FEM-simulation of the Einstein-Dirac system in spherically symmetric spacetime
Abstract as pdf
Kersten Schmidt, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
High order transmission conditions for conductive thin sheets -- asymptotic expansion versus optimal basis
Abstract as pdf
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee Break 2 - HG F (Uhrenhalle) |
Plenary talk |
Room G3 |
Siddhartha Mishra, SAM, ETH
Robust high-order finite volume schemes for multi-dimensional ideal MHD equations
Abstract (click to expand)
Many macroscopic plasma models, arising in astrophysics, solar physics, electrical and aerospace engineering are modeled with the equations of
ideal Magneto-HydroDynamics (MHD).
These constitute a non-linear system of conservation laws in several space
dimensions, augmented with the
divergence constraint. Efficient numerical simulation for the MHD
equations is quite complicated on account
of the lack of strict hyperbolicity or convexity of the equations and due
to the divergence constraint. We design
robust finite volume schemes for an equivalent Godunov-Powell form of the
MHD equations, based on HLL type
approximate Riemann solvers for computing numerical fluxes. The
Godunov-Powell source term is discretized in an
upwind manner using the local wave structure. Positivity preserving
non-oscillatory high-order reconstructions are
also proposed. The resulting schemes are tested on a large number of
benchmark numerical experiments in two and
three space dimensions. The talk is based on joint work with F. Fuchs, A.
D. McMurry, N. H. Risebro (CMA, Univ. of Oslo, Norway)
and K. Waagan (CSCAMM, Univ. of Maryland, U.S.A).
16:50-17:00 |
Closing |